
For inquiries regarding possible projects or to receive a sample, contact me at no1bag@gmail.com. Bear in mind that I am not currently freelancing, so it is unlikely that I will accept the project you offer.

Book Projects I've Worked On
Adams: A Place of Hope and Vision
Bailey: Invisible Southerners
Beidler: Late Thoughts on an Old War
Browne: Drawing of a Swan Before Memory
Bruns: The Material of Poetry
Chang: The History of Anonymity
Dargan: Bouquet of Hungers
Dargan: The Listening
Dykstra: An Easy Guide to English
Gaillard: Prophet from Plains
Hu: The Book of Motion
Kearon: Medical Spanish, 2/e
Lane: Waist Deep in Black Water
Larson: The Creation-Evolution Debate
Liu: Of Thee I Sing
Marty: The Protestant Voice in American Pluralism
O'Leary: Depth Theology
Potentially Harmful
Quast: Journey from the Storm Within
Stonecipher: The Reservoir
Truitt: Vertical Elegies 5: The Section
Huntley: Essential Academic Vocabulary, 1/e
Jarvis: ¿Como se dice...? 8/e
Jarvis: Workbook and Lab Manual to accompany ¿Como se dice...? 8/e
Mitcham: A Little Salvation
Project Editing
Adams: A Place of Hope and Vision
Aiken: William Faulkner and the Southern Landscape
Argersinger/Person, eds.: Hawthorne and Melville
Ashmore: Carry It On
Atkinson: Faulkner and the Great Depression
Bailey: Invisible Southerners
Baptist/Camp, eds.: New Studies in the History of American Slavery
Beidler: Late Thoughts on an Old War
Bellis: Writing Revolution
Berry, ed.: Princes of Cotton
Brack/Chilton, eds.: The Devil upon Crutches
Browne: Drawing of a Swan Before Memory
Bruns: The Material of Poetry
Burrows: A Familiar Strangeness
Carretta: Equiano, the African
Chamberlain: Victory at Home
Chang: The History of Anonymity
Chirhart: Torches of Light
Cobb/Stueck, eds.: Globalization and the American South
Courtney: Joseph Hopkins Twichell
Cox: Traveling South
Crimmins/Farrisee: Democracy Restored
Crouse: Copy Cats
Dallmeyer, ed.: Values at Sea
Dargan: Bouquet of Hungers
Dargan: The Listening
Dickey/Mathis: Berry College
Doris: Knot
Dorsey: To Build Our Lives Together
Doyle/Pamplona: Nationalism in the New World
Eelman: Entrepreneurs in the Southern Upcountry
English: A Common Thread
Feldman: The Disfranchisement Myth
Fichtelberg: Critical Fictions
Finseth: Shades of Green
Foster: Just beneath My Skin
Frezza: The Leader and the Crowd
Friend/Glover, eds.: Southern Manhood
Gaillard: Prophet from Plains
Garvey: Creating the Culture of Reform in Antebellum America
Gemme: Domesticating Foreign Struggles
Gianquitto: "Good Observers of Nature"
Gifford: Reconnecting with John Muir
Gill: En contacto, 6/e
Goldfield: Southern Histories
Grant: A Companion to The Crying of Lot 49, 2/e
Gray: A Web of Words
Green, ed.: The New Deal and Beyond
Green: This Business of Relief
Gruesser: Confluences
Hamelman: But Is It Garbage?
Handley: New World Poetics
Harrison: Agent of Empire
Heidari, ed.: To Find My Own Peace
Howell: Hey, Bug Doctor!
Hu: The Book of Motion
Hubbs, ed.: Voices from Company D
Hubbs: Guarding Greensboro
Hutchisson, ed.: A DuBose Heyward Reader
Hutchisson/Greene, eds.: Renaissance in Charleston
Israel: Before Scopes
Jakle/Sculle: Motoring
Jensen/Camp/Gibbons/Elliott, eds.: Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia
Johnson: Southern Women at the Seven Sister Colleges
Kearon: Medical Spanish, 2/e
Kennett: A New View of Comparative Economic Systems
Kilgo: Colors of Africa
Kirby: What Is a Book?
Kirszner/Mandell: Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, 4/e, Compact 4/e, and Pocket
Kirszner/Mandell: The Holt Handbook, 6/e
Kolodziej/Kanet, eds.: From Superpower to Besieged Global Power
Krech: Spirits of the Air
Lambert: James Habersham
Lance: Woody Plants of the Southeastern United States
Lane: Chattooga
Lane: Circling Home
Lane: Waist Deep in Black Water
Larson: The Creation-Evolution Debate
Linton: Chickamauga
Liu: Of Thee I Sing
Lunsford: Writing Matters
Maloof: Teaching the Trees
Marsh: Georgia's Frontier Women
Martin: A Gathering of Matter / A Matter of Gathering
Marty: The Protestant Voice in American Pluralism
May: Evangelism and Resistance in the Black Atlantic, 1760-1835
McElmurray: Surrendered Child
McFadden: Hardscrabble
McMichael: Atlantic Loyalties
McWilliams: Charles W. Chesnutt and the Fictions of Race
Messent/Courtney, eds.: The Civil War Letters of Joseph Hopkins Twichell
Miller: The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook
Mora/Cooney: Paraguay and the United States
Moramarco/Zolynas, eds.: The Poetry of Men's Lives
Morgan: Rethinking Social Realism
Murray: Margaret Fuller, Wandering Pilgrim
Nelson/Callicott: The Wilderness Debate Rages On
Nelson: Pharsalia
Nelson: Trembling Earth
O'Leary: Depth Theology
Olster: The Trash Phenomenon
Panning: Super America
Pascoe/Treaham/Lambrose, eds.: The American South in the Twentieth Century
Phillips: Boy
Power: Art of the Cherokee
Power: Early Art of the Southeastern Indians
Putzi: Identifying Marks
Regis, ed.: Caribbean and Southern
Reilly/Brown: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 6/e
Rothenberg: Always the Mountains
Saikku: This Delta, This Land
Samaniego: ¡Dímelo tú!, 4/e
Scrimgeour: Themes for English B
Segall/Brown: Portals: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking
Selgin: Drowning Lessons
Shade: Eyesores
Shealy, ed.: Little Women Abroad
Sheinin: Argentina and the United States
Shores: On Harper's Trail
Sledge: An Ornament to the City
Smith, ed.: Hearing History
Sprague/Stuart: The Speaker's Handbook, 6/e
Stanonis, ed.: Dixie Emporium
Stanonis: Creating the Big Easy
Stanton: Journey toward Justice
Stephan: Redeeming the Southern Family
Stonecipher: The Reservoir
Sweeney, ed.: Race, Reason, and Massive Resistance
Thompson/Randall: Canada and the United States, 4/e
Trail: Rhetorical Terms and Concepts
Truitt: Vertical Elegies 5: The Section
Vincent: John Ashbery and You
Walker: Hell's Broke Loose in Georgia
Wallach: "Closer to the Truth Than Any Fact"
Webb: Hodges’ Harbrace Handbook, 14/e
Weber: Consuming Silences
Wells: Civil War Time
Whitehead: The Seasons of Cumberland Island
Whitt: Short Stories of the Civil Rights Movement
Williams et al., eds.: Liberty's Captives
Williams: From Mounds to Megachurches
Williams: The Lives of Kelvin Fletcher
Woodrum: "Everybody Was Black Down There"
Worthen: The Harcourt Brace Anthology of Drama, 3/e
Photo Editor
Howell: Hey, Bug Doctor! |